Monday, April 18, 2011

London Heathrow

Fair warning -- the next few blog entries are being done while I'm sitting at London Heathrow, waiting for my flight to Cairo. The past few days have been ridiculous (as you'll learn later). I'm operating on 6 hours of sleep over the past 72 hours...

I didn't go to bed last night. There was an amazing club experience in Berlin last night, and I left the club "early" at 4:30am (the line to get in the club as I was leaving was at least 30 yards long), went back to my hotel, snatched my bags, and caught a train towards the Berlin airport. While on my train journey, which included changing to a second train, I realized that the second train didn't go all the way to the Berlin airport due to some rail line construction. There were no signs in English explaining this; I just happened to ask someone who gave me the scoop. Instead of the train, people heading to the airport were diverted to a bus at a different train stop. So, with about 45 minutes until my flight, I found my bus, but figured that the bus would take too long, so I grabbed a taxi which turned out to be the absolute correct move -- I got to my gate with about 7 minutes to spare. The ride to the airport was amazing! The taxi driver didn't speak much English, but I motioned to my watch and my backpack; he got it, and was driving insanely aggressive and fast to get me there. I enjoyed giving that extra tip -- he hooked me up and it was well worth it!

Interestingly, as the scenery blurred around us on the way to the airport, we saw a bus on fire. These were serious flames -- it was burning about a fourth of the bus. No one was around fighting the fire, and no people were on or near the bus. Weird.

From Berlin, I flew to London Gatwick, took an hour long bus ride to London Heathrow and here I am. My body is working on an amazing inebriation, sleep deprivation, and exhaustion cocktail. Needless to say, I'm not sure how coherent these posts will be, but here we go...

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