Today didn't exactly work out the way that I had originally planned, but let's hear it for rolling with the punches. I woke up, did my push-ups (seriously; gotta stay in shape for the remainder of the soccer season), and headed out to the beach for a run. This time, I ran around Bronte Beach, which has more amazing views than Bondi. After being to Bronte, I realized that Bondi definitely has more of a frat / sorority feel to it, where Bronte is keeping it more reals.
After the run, I planned to get some food, change into my swimsuit and chill at the beach all day. Well...after my run and brekkie (Australian word -- I'll let you guess what it means), clouds and crazy winds rolled into my path, making a beach excursion less than optimal.
I've yet to be to the Sydney Harbor, so, if a day at the beach was ruined, I might as well head there. I wasn't real thrilled with this idea (as many of you know, I'm not a real "touristy" type), but hey, why not?? I caught my bus...
[There are two things wrong with this pic -- #1 it's for KFC; #2 and the reason for this pic -- if your zoom works, under the "krushers," it says "golden gaytime". When were KFC and golden gaytimes associated? WTF??]
The bus arrived at Bondi Junction, a transportation and shopping crossroad. I had no idea there was so much crap at Bondi Junction, so I wondered around for a bit. I didn't take enough pics to do justice to what all is here. There are two malls (one is 6 stories), two theaters, a really seedy and crappy area and everything else inbetween. It was crazy.
Most malls make me physically nauseous, but I was starving, so I figured that I would check the food court. The place was ridiculous. It felt more like a Vegas casino with the swankiness. I found the least expensive yet solid sushi place. Here's what I got at the freakin' mall:
[My favorite touch was the plastic fish soy contaniners in the upper left hand part of the pic]
It was delicious. After I was done, a woman wearing white gloves (I shit you not) came up and bused my table. At the mall?? Here's the view from where I was sitting.
Ok. Ok. I realize most of you are yawning at this. "We get it, it was a nice place. It's a freakin' mall. Who cares??" you say. I realize I'm probably doing a poor job communicating the scale of this area. As I walked around, I couldn't believe the next thing I saw. Wait. No. It can't be. Oh, but it is. Holy crap! Without further ado -- the world's swankiest Target!
To think - I entered Target wearing only shorts and t-shirt. The place was basically a department store. I didn't take any additional pics, because I was too busy shopping, bitches. The floors were the tile floors that you'd see in any high-end department store. They didn't have any cleaning supplies or cat crap scoopers. It was 80% clothes and 10% electronics and 10% toys. Perhaps I picked up a shirt that has a Target logo tag. Half of it was because I liked the shirt (at a great price, of course, it is Target, after all), and the other half because the experience was surreal.
So that was Bondi Junction. I grabbed my train and headed to the Sydney Harbor.
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