Thursday, March 17, 2011

Some Thoughts on Tokyo

Without a doubt the most commonly asked questions of me lately relate to Tokyo.

Q1:  Have you been following the events there?

Q2:  Do you still plan on going there? 

The answer to both of these questions is a resounding, "Yes."  Since day one, like many of you, I've been closely watching what's going on there - perhaps more intently than others since I'm on my way there.  With Tokyo being one of the centerpieces of this trip, it's gonna take a lot more than some "poisoned air" and earthquakes to prevent me from going.  I'll only divert my plans if GodzillaMonster Zero, and Voltron (lions, not cars) all make an attendance within the next 6 days.

At this point, the US Embassy has issued travel warnings "advising" Americans not to go there, but they've stopped short of forbidding it.  Narita, the airport that I'm using, appears to be fine, and I have yet to receive any sort of cancellation or flight change from my airline (of course, my flight is still 6 days away so that may be why I haven't heard anything yet, but I digress).  The epicenter of the chaos lies about 160 miles from Tokyo (nearly the distance from DFW to Austin), so I'm not terribly concerned about it.

That being said, the person with whom I'm planning to stay, has, not surprisingly, been somewhat out of touch lately.  However, two days ago, he said everything was a go for my visit, so I'm holding to that right now...

I'll keep this site updated if things change.  If I were to divert my plans to Tokyo, the backup plan would be to spend more time in Thailand.       

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