Thursday, March 10, 2011

So it begins...

So it begins...Hard to believe that after four months, the day has finally come for my world domination. I'm pleased that my admirers in Libya and Egypt have worked hard to overthrow their governments in anticipation of my arrival.

Prior to getting into any sort of description of my experiences, I feel that I have to give some sort of credit to Crimson and how unbelievably generous they've been through this experience. For those of you who don't know the story (and I believe that's hardly anyone at this point), here's the abridged version:
I reached a point in my life where I felt completely complacent. Frustration emanated from work as the realization of my position was a far cry from my expectations. After enduring several months of ridiculousness at work, the feeling that I needed to do something to change my lot gnawed at me like an armadillo on a bag of open fritos (I read somewhere that armadillos love hot fritos -- or maybe I didn't).

So, I walked to my manager's door, and kicked it open with my left foot. I brushed my hair off my face, took a bite from my corn dog (oh, yeah -- a delicious ballpark corn dog was in my right hand), threw said corn dog across the room (it stuck to the window behind him, and, similar to those rubber spider thingys, started walking down the window), and bellowed, "I'm done." He stood there dumbfounded. We had what could only be described as a Mexican standoff for several painful seconds until I decided to erupt in my robot dance to depart his office.

Ok ok. Maybe I dreamed part of that (or was it all a dream??)...Maybe what really happened was that we had a very cordial conversation after which he suggested we negotiate a way for me to stay with Crimson and still do some traveling. Hmm. One of these stories is the truth -- I'll let you decide.
At any rate, a deal was consumated and here I am -- taking 2 months to do some traveling with a return to Crimson in mid-May.

Now we get to the good stuff -- with this sort of travel, to me, there seems to be two distinct schools of thought: Do you spend the time in predominately one place, and really learn about that particular place? -or- Do you go bananas and pick so many freakin' places that there's no way you can adequately describe any of them, forget all notions of time and space as you cross multiple timezones, endure comically long flights, and return home more exhausted than when you left? Naturally, I chose the second option.
In order to make this happen, I have to give major props to all of you that have helped me move from my rent controlled place on 1717 Enfield and / or offered your advice as I scheduled my itinerary. There are too many of you to name individually, but the next time I get my hands on a box of thin mint Girl Scout cookies, I'll offer you a bite.

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