Friday, March 25, 2011

A Word on Massages

I'm no sort of authority on massages -- about a week before I left for my trip, I had my first "professional" massage -- so I can't speak on how Thai massages compare to other massages, but I gotta say that if you've never had one before, you should definitely check it out.  Of course here, the massages are ridiculously cheap.  The going rate seems to be about $9 for an hour and about $12 for two hours. 

Thai massages can be either "strong" or "soft."  I've chosen "strong" for the two that I've had thus far.  Both were reasonably similar in that the technique consists of what I describe as "wet noodle meets semi-pretzel."  There are some aspects that I'd equate to yoga in that you're being twisted and flexed -- this ain't a regular back rub, but it feels great.  The masseur gets a workout performing the massage because she has to basically jump and down on your body, cracking things left and right (it's not really that intense, but you get the picture).  I've been amazed at the hand strength that a little five foot tall Thai woman possesses.  Incredible!  Definitely good times and highly recommended!  

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